13764 flashes &


Rating: 4.38 (980)
hits: 49939
size: 9.4 MB
posted: 12.12.2008
approved by: mRkukov
Music video - Vocaloid - Hatsune Miku - v=n5n7CSGPzqw
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comments for triplebaka.swf
10 MB for this? No thanks
#1 - asd - 12/12/2008 - 18:11
this was its 10MB worth. Definitely :-D
#2 - sinnfrei-chan - 12/12/2008 - 18:30
I wonder how hard it is to use vocaloid... :D
#3 - Jaska - 12/12/2008 - 18:45

Longer version but no animation
#4 - Figsu - 12/12/2008 - 20:37
great ! liked it

anyone got sauce for song only ??
#5 - yrhtyertsyherstgyhersgher - 12/12/2008 - 21:43
Lawl, that cellphone idea was genius.
Also, Teto's pretty creepy in the beginning... what's with that?
#6 - meh - 12/12/2008 - 23:25
nice flash :D "baka baka baka" nice ^^
#7 - jea - 12/12/2008 - 23:39
nice one :-D

#4: these links are complete worthless for non-japanese people
#8 - muh - 12/12/2008 - 23:57
Yeah but I thought some people might be happy. Afterall, the originals have better quality :) Actually I found the videos from link below where you can watch both of them as well.

http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2008/11/07/mikumiku-bakaba ka/
#9 - Figsu - 12/13/2008 - 00:31

Could you post the extended version aswell?
#10 - A - 12/13/2008 - 01:26
Why do you people complain about the size of the flashes? Get BROADBAND without a traffic limit you ( ... )ing idiots. Mine loaded in 4 seconds flat.

Btw, captcha = SLU T :p
#11 - Jonatan - 12/13/2008 - 01:42
It's dangerous ! This thing can create a black hole of awesome §
#12 - Franon - 12/13/2008 - 06:49
Is miku saying "...( ... )in bitch!" ???
#13 - Anon - 12/13/2008 - 12:05
I wonder why I liked this so much... Does this mean I'm a ( ... )?
#14 - fsdf - 12/13/2008 - 16:09
mp3 anyone?
#15 - FFFFFFFFFFF - 12/13/2008 - 16:16

Its just a rip from the original source but it should be good enough.
#16 - Anonymous - 12/13/2008 - 16:37
Forget the previous post. Found better source. Just follow the links in info

#17 - Anonymous - 12/13/2008 - 16:48
This is like... idk why i like it so much

and those dont look like crayons :3
#18 - whoa... - 12/13/2008 - 19:03
I'm not japanese but I do have a nico video account. I'm sure balefishies will help you if you ask them nicely, or contact your local weeaboo for help.
#19 - - 12/13/2008 - 20:23
#19: How did you answer the captcha picture? the possible answers are descriptions in japanese.
#20 - muh - 12/14/2008 - 01:28
Thanks a bunch, fellow anon.
#21 - to #16 - 12/14/2008 - 01:47
yo #19, if you can't go the japanese way, try the german: de.nicovideo.jp
you still need to translate, but the captcha will be in romanji. plus you can change later.
#22 - sinnfrei-chan - 12/14/2008 - 11:33
btw full length song:
password (upper field): ツイン& atilde;ƒ†ãƒ¼ãƒ«& aelig;´¾
captcha is the lower short field
next page click the middle (blue) link
following page gets you the download in two seconds
#23 - sinnfrei-chan - 12/14/2008 - 16:47
and my vote was 100:-P
#24 - asd - 12/15/2008 - 09:11
I cant be whitout lisening this!!
Its just 2 ultimate awesome! :-P

I would only say this:

Look this Flash!!

Othervice your just baka baka baka.. :-[]
#25 - Personal_Jezuz - 12/18/2008 - 09:33
what is the name of this Anime! That they origin from!? Must see!
#26 - Yatero - 12/18/2008 - 18:05
baka baka baka.... can't get enough of that song :-D
#27 - bakainu - 12/18/2008 - 19:35
hope hes goin to draw the full version of the song :x
#28 - ANIMA - 12/19/2008 - 12:58
Miku is ( ... )ing hot.
#29 - Holy - 12/19/2008 - 17:34
#26 You best be joking nigger
#30 - Anonymous - 12/19/2008 - 23:30
How can anyone like this crap? Sheesh.
#31 - Blank - 12/22/2008 - 00:21
If you dont like it you are retarded...
#32 - Blaster - 12/22/2008 - 23:40
Can any one translate this or link to where i can find the lyrics in english?
#33 - ZyZo - 01/06/2009 - 00:01
English Sub's
Hey #33 > ZyZo,
this is the video i got before finding the song on here:

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0RDDSOYsIfE&feature=ch annel_page&fmt=18

enjoy guys. ;-)
#34 - Help-Desk - 01/18/2009 - 22:43

I tell you gentlemen, I am in love :3
#35 - Anonymous - 01/20/2009 - 01:51
Question: Why do people like this anime so much? :-o
#36 - Anon - 01/23/2009 - 19:28
Those pens look like something other than pens..
#37 - Mr. James - 01/23/2009 - 19:30
#36 it's well done, better than many an official music video i've seen?
#37 theyre crayons you weeabo
#38 - asd - 02/02/2009 - 04:47
I pooped a little.
#39 - Anonymous - 02/10/2009 - 21:24
Vocaloid ftw!
#40 - some - 03/23/2009 - 11:18
Crayons or not. They still have a striking resemblance to something else.
#41 - Mermer - 03/28/2009 - 00:16
Err - no they don't.
#42 - - 03/29/2009 - 01:07
This is the reward after viewing all of this.


In this vid is the english translation of the song. Now we know that Miku is a nolife xD
#43 - Anon - 05/08/2009 - 15:54
It's a very nice video. I love the music and the animation.
Who did the animation?

5'd because of epic Miku win!
#44 - Gomati - 09/10/2009 - 12:12
Its stuck on my head and i cant get it out!!
#45 - anon - 11/04/2009 - 10:51
nice animation, but the song sucks monkey balls
#46 - grabl - 02/07/2010 - 02:15
Yeah everyone loves this
#47 - Colt - 02/14/2010 - 20:42
Aaah. So awesomeee! I fap to this!
#48 - Kekek - 10/25/2010 - 19:20
* name, comment and captcha required
   prefer english (fin/swe is also allowed)
;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o :-O B-) :oops: :-[] :-P
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